Showing 76 - 100 of 109 Results
War -- What For? by Kirkpatrick, George Ross ISBN: 9781147271720 List Price: $33.75
Wilderness Cry: the Story of a Great Sacrifice by Kirkpatrick, William, Day, ... ISBN: 9781117222554 List Price: $26.99
War What For? by Kirkpatrick, George R. ISBN: 9781162804422 List Price: $25.56
Pebbles from Parnassus : Comprising Rhymes of Revolt and Flitting Fancies by Fielding, William J., Kirkp... ISBN: 9781162963532 List Price: $15.96
War--What For? by Kirkpatrick, George Ross ISBN: 9781347541500 List Price: $27.95
Kirkpatrick Memorial : Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from the ... by Kirkpatrick, Jacob, Hale, G... ISBN: 9781346413303 List Price: $26.95
War What for? (Classic Reprint) by Kirkpatrick, George Ross ISBN: 9780331178173 List Price: $31.49
The Kirkpatrick Memorial: Or, Biographical Sketches Of Father And Son And A Selection From T... by Jacob Kirkpatrick, George Hale ISBN: 9781011593026 List Price: $26.95
A Wilderness Cry: The Story of a Great Sacrifice by George Edward Day, William ... ISBN: 9780530901060 List Price: $27.95
Mystical Sources of Existentialist Thought by Pattison, George, Kirkpatri... ISBN: 9780367582319 List Price: $48.95
John Lyly, the Humanist As Courtier by Hunter, George Kirkpatrick ISBN: 9781013353925 List Price: $20.95
Further Observations upon Madura Foot Disease in America [microform] by Adami, J. George (John Geor... ISBN: 9781013632662 List Price: $11.95
Cooper Finds Her Thermal : As Told to George Miller by a Little Pink Bird by Miller, George Kirkpatrick ISBN: 9781733232647 List Price: $22.00
Kirkpatrick Memorial : Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from the ... by Kirkpatrick, Jacob, Hale, G... ISBN: 9781017272345 List Price: $19.95
Kirkpatrick Memorial : Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from the ... by Kirkpatrick, Jacob, Hale, G... ISBN: 9781017267426 List Price: $29.95
Hommes du Jour : George Airey Kirkpatrick (Classic Reprint) by Ryan, Carroll ISBN: 9780666935601 List Price: $24.33
God's Dominion Over Kings and Other Magistrates: A Thanksgiving Sermon Preach'd in Belfast O... by Kirkpatrick, James, James K... ISBN: 9781385411155 List Price: $19.95
The Kirkpatrick Memorial: Or, Biographical Sketches Of Father And Son And A Selection From T... by Kirkpatrick, Jacob, Jacob K... ISBN: 9781376289879 List Price: $16.90
Les Hommes du Jour: George Airey Kirkpatrick (Classic Reprint) (French Edition) by Ryan, Carroll, Carroll Ryan ISBN: 9780282715038 List Price: $7.97
The Kirkpatrick Memorial: Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from t... by Jacob Kirkpatrick, George Hale ISBN: 9780343522049 List Price: $16.95
The Kirkpatrick Memorial: Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from t... by Jacob Kirkpatrick, George Hale ISBN: 9780353554436 List Price: $44.95
Kirkpatrick Memorial : Or, Biographical Sketches of Father and Son and a Selection from the ... by Kirkpatrick, Jacob, Hale, G... ISBN: 9780343522056 List Price: $26.95
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